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Osteopathie is er voor alle leeftijden (van Baby tot opgroeiend kind, pubers, volwassenen en ouderen). Een volledige lijst van de te behandelen klachten opsommen is onmogelijk. Je kunt voor heel uiteenlopende fysieke en psychische klachten terecht bij een osteopaat. Er zijn ook klachten die niet tot het behandeldomein van de osteopaat behoren. Een goede therapeut weet welke klachten hij wel én niet kan of mag behandelen en stuurt indien nodig door naar een gespecialiseerde arts of therapeut.

Om een indruk te geven van de mogelijkheden worden een aantal klachten opgesomd waarbij een osteopaat geconsulteerd wordt:



What is osteopathy ?

Osteopathy is a modern healthcare profession that is evidence based and widely recommended. Treatment combines two of the oldest forms of medicine known to man: massage and manipulation. It is often thought that osteopathy only treat backs. In fact we can treat so much more: from strained ankles to trapped nerves, headaches to hip pain!


Treatment is tailored to suit the individual patient, and is highly effective for people of all ages (including babies and children) suffering from a wide variety of conditions, regardless of whether the problem has occurred recently or has been troublesome for years.


Our hands-on techniques stretch and decongest the body’s muscles, increase circulation and improve joint mobility, helping to reduce pain and stiffness. Improved biomechanics enhances overall health and vitality creating an environment in which the body has a real chance to heal.


Osteopaths are trained to use their hands both to investigate the underlying causes of pain and to carry out treatment using a variety of techniques.

Indications: What do we treat ?

Treatment can be tailored to suit people of all ages and states of health and can be effective whether the problem occurred recently or has been troublesome for years.

Here a short overview of complaints which can be successfully treated.

The osteopathic consultation & treatment

The osteopath will take a holistic approach to the patient: 

How a consultation proceeds

Based on age group, we give you an impression about the course of the consultation:

How many treatments needed ?

The number of treatments depends on the severity of the symptoms and how quickly one enters treatment: 

Does osteopathy work preventively ?

Osteopathy is useful in prevention of all kinds of complaints. It is recommended to visit once, twice or several times a year for a preventive check-up and treatment. By occasional preventive treatment, acute pain will often be prevented and the number of necessary osteopathic treatments will be kept to a minimum.

Will osteopathy be reimbursed ?

Osteopathy is partially reimbursed by most health insurance funds. Only treatments at recognised osteopaths are reimbursed. Depending on the health insurance fund, this varies from 5 to 12 treatments per person, per year. Per consultation, 10 to 12.5 euros are reimbursed. Check with your health insurance fund.

Is a doctor's prescription required ?

No. To make an appointment with an osteopath, no doctor's referral is required. Safety is paramount in osteopathy. The osteopath tries to get a total overview of your state of health. If necessary, he will contact your GP or treating specialist or refer you to them.

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